Thursday, February 28, 2013

800 329-8145

Tomorrow beginning of March. March, originally from the Latin word “Martius,” named for Mars, the Roman God of War, symbolizes a variety of things and experiences in modern society. For gardeners, it’s the start of spring planting season. For Northereners, it might hold a sign of warmer weather to come. But for college basketball fans, March means only one thing… it is just a few short weeks until March Madness!

Nudists, however, think of March Madness a little differently. 
Here are the top 10 March Madness words and their meanings to nudists:

1) NCAA – No Clothes Allowed Anytime
2) March Madness – A nudist’s state of mind after having been bundled up all winter long. Some northern nudists have even been known to have March Madness set in so bad, they run outside naked and make snow angels.
3) Free throw – Throwing your friend into the pool without them knowing it.
4) Point spread – The distance you have to walk from your nudist resort hotel room to the pool.
5) Guard – Covering your skin with lots of sunscreen.
6) Rebound – Regaining your sanity by relaxing, restoring, and rejuvenating your mental well-being by taking a Nakation.
7) 3 point play – Getting to play volleyball, play tennis, and play in the sand naked all in the same day.
8) Foul – Having to wear clothes all week long while waiting to get away to your favorite nudist resort.
9) Fouling out – Having to cancel your Nakation because your boss says you have to work overtime.
10) Tip Off – Telling all your friends about the fun nudist resort vacation you just came home from and booked through Go Classy Tours. And this will actually be the first time ever your friends will really want to see your vacation photos.

800 7Classy

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